Category: Podcast Show Notes

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Body Language For Leaders, with Scott Rouse, Ep #54

When it comes to being an effective leader and developer of other leaders, there are no better skills to learn than those centering around body language - you could say this post is about “body language for leaders.” It’s a powerful skill set that can be used to bring greater...

How Corporate Learning and Development Can Impact Mutually Meaningful Work Engagements, with Christopher Lind, Ep #53

Those who work in the field of corporate learning and development are uniquely positioned to add tremendously to both the culture and the efficiency of a company. Theirs is a role that equips and facilitates skill development for everyone on the team. When done right, it’s a role that can...

The Fundamentals Of Leadership with Scott Carley, Ep #52

Good leadership - and the development of leadership skills in others - is predicated on fundamentals that are vital to the role. These basics are things we hear mentioned often but if we are honest, few of us have mastered them to the point that they bring clarity and focus...

Your Road Map To Upcoming Solo Episodes, Episode 49

Contracted Leadership
After our recent programming pause, I stated we would begin including more solo episodes. This week I am providing a road map for how we will deliver those to you in three sequential parts.  What is a Mutually Meaningful Work Engagement (MMWE)?Why is creating Mutually Meaningful Work Engagements (MMWEs) important?How...

Servant Leadership Theory That Isn’t Theoretical with Jim Britt, Ep #48

Contracted Leadership
Servant Leadership theory is a concept that became wildly popular for a time after the publication of Robert Greenleaf’s 1970 essay entitled, “The Servant As Leader.” But while intriguing, the theory can be empty without a flesh and blood example, so I’m tremendously thankful that on this episode of the...

Never Underestimate the Value of Telling the Truth with AJ Sue, Ep #22

Contracted Leadership
Introspection, if handled wisely, can be the tool for clearing a fresh path for our organizations, teams, and personal futures. To begin any change action or growth, we must first articulate meaning. Core questions, or as we’ve come to know them, “why” questions, help us get to the answers that...