4 Ways to Monitor, Control, and Modify Processes and Systems with Ease
As you’re building your company, you already know that it’s important to amp up your procedures, processes, and systems. But once you have these procedures, processes, and systems in place, how do you audit them and modify them, as necessary? You want to make sure that you have a system in place for that, too, so that it doesn’t become a company-wide headache or create additional issues from being outdated. To give you a bit of a head start, we’ve compiled our top four tried-and-true ways to monitor, control, and modify your business’ processes and systems with ease. 1. Continually look for ways to make your system foolproof. One way to make sure that your procedures, processes, and systems are...
3 Steps to Implement Processes That Enhance Creativity
When some people hear the words “procedure,” “process,” and “system,” they get nervous or bored. In many corporate cultures, procedures, processes, and systems are code for “red tape,” and these very systems create inefficiencies within the organization or slow down the speed of internal communication. Or, if your systems do make things more efficient, your employees may argue that following these processes restricts them, makes them feel less creative. But in a growing business, having no standards, processes, or systems is not the solution. Your employees will be less efficient since the processes that they try to develop may not be standardized and repeatable, and then they’re liable to miss steps and the company is likely to miss opportunities. So,...
3 Not-So-Obvious Reasons to Amp Up Your Procedures, Processes, and Systems
Imagine you’re a senior manager at a manufacturing plant, and you’ve been with the company since the beginning. You saw the business grow from a start-up of just three employees to a corporation of more than 100 employees. But now that the plant has expanded operations with multiple locations in the tri-state area, you’ve been frustrated how sometimes things slog along. Though the company has increased in size, sometimes it seems that things are less cohesive than they used to be, and the company’s profits don’t match how much it has grown within that time. Does this sound like your company? If so, my friend, you desperately need to add or examine some procedures, processes, and systems at your company...
In Onboarding
7 Ways to Leverage Long-Term Onboarding to Ensure New Hires Are Successful
It’s 9 o’clock on a Saturday, and as the regular crowd shuffles into the cafe you frequent, you’re thinking about one of your managers who recently approached you about an ongoing issue with an employee who recently joined their team. You felt confident that this person was the right fit after the interview process. And you had fantastic pre-boarding and onboarding processes to make this employee feel welcome on the first day. But, now it’s been five weeks since this person started with the company, and you get the sense that this person isn’t fully engaged in their tasks or, worse yet, they’re bored. You know that employee engagement early on is important; after all, employee turnover is more likely in...
In Onboarding
7 Onboarding Tips That Provide Long-Term ROI
After deciding to hire an employee, you want to make sure you maximize the value your new hire will provide to the company. In order to do that, you need to make sure that your new hires feel comfortable in the organization, have the resources to succeed in their roles, and also see the value you are bringing them. To accomplish these things, try implementing these 7 onboarding tips that provide long-term value and make your new hire feel connected to the organization. [Currently interviewing to fill some positions? Read 5 of our creative interviewing tips here.] 1. Begin onboarding before Day 1. Once your new hires accept the position and sign the offer letter, begin to onboard them right...